Friday, April 15, 2016

Arts Performance - Gamelan

I never heard "Gamelan" this word actually, and at first, I though gamelan is an only one instrument...(I feel ignorant right now)
After research, of course we know is an ensemble music, same as Chinese orchestra....
For the presentation, we went to UiTM which located at Shah Alam, to do shooting and interview. While on the way to shah alam, I feel sleepy and hungry, because it took 1 hour + to reach there, and we also had a nasi kukus there before starting our work.

After shooting their performance, we started to learn from them, for me I feel quite easy actually, cause I've learned Chinese Orchestra for 6 years, there is some similarity with it and that one is harder than gamelan, but of course there's big different and different difficulty inside.
I try to play some modern music or children's song like Twinkle little star (that shown in the video that I asked for it), but they said gamelan is using pentatonic scale, so there is no "Fa" inside, it is not enough to play...  I feel a little disappointed... cause I cannot the songs that I familiar with T.T... By the way, I learned what is pentatonic scale~

This is the first time we touched the traditional Malay instrument, is quite fun and we have learned a lot. The most suffering part is to edit the whole video because we have 3 cameras are shooting, but there's only 1 camera's video can use, and some shot is shaky... I used 3 days to completed... on the presentation day, while presenting the video, actually I feel quite satisfied,...haha...

Remember to check out the video below~~

Thursday, April 14, 2016

The Baling talks

Every time when I started to write a new post, I feel struggling... cause I've to think and manage how to some research... hmm... but anyways... I still have to write~

At first, when I reached the center, and I feel surprised and curious that who is the people that they hanging around the theater, but I have no idea who he is.

Before the drama start, they show us a video about baling talks, but I really dunno what it is and don't understand.
When the drama starts, I have no clue what are they acting, until they introducing Chin Peng. Well, I really dunno much about chin peng, the only thing I heard before is he has passed away, but he still can't return to Malaysia.

After I came back and do some research in Chinese, finally I know what is Baling talks, and actually, I have read before in my secondary history book and I ask my sister to took tons of pictures for me to recall it what is Baling talks (华玲和谈)

For the drama, I feel quite boring actually, because we do not really understand the history of it, and as Dr. Carmen said the "Catharsis", I have no much catharsis with it, cause as we know we are not born in the era, and we have not felt it, and also because is a history politicians thingy, that's why... 
For the format, for me is quite interesting, because it actually make us more understand the story while they are explaining. For the actor they keep changing roles, actually makes me confuse, at first I can't recognize who is who, and they did not use some specific things to represent (except the songkok). I feel quite annoying while keep changing the space... cause I need to stand up, take my bag and move to another place... hmm... if the frequency of changing place can be decreased it is better...  overall is nice for the drama, it recall our history... but if it is in Chinese, I think I can be understood more.
For the way they treated to Chin Peng and the communist party,I really feel terrible, the communist party is just wanted to be treated fairly and give them some respect, but the Tunku side gave some shit reason and ask them to surrender. 
About Chin Peng, I really feel sad for him, why they still don't accept him to come back, until the dead also don't have an actual nationality in Malaysia. Furthermore, while they showing the video about Chin Peng last interview, although he doesn't speak much, but I feel that he has many words in his mind, and lots of sad story behind him.

Actually I still not really understand why are they overlying the book.... (although they have explained) hehe...

Saturday, April 9, 2016

3rd film review - the 3 short films

The first short film that we watch, which is Duit Kecil, obviously is talking about our country economies, nowadays everything is expensive, except our salary is not going up. But although they are still complaining, they still willing to spend on it, and also spending money on some unnecessary things, it seems like reflecting us.
I also really surprise that those Malay girls who in the video can wear so talks and did not complain or caught by others.

The second short film is Lollipop, hmm.... actually, I really can't get the meaning, for my opinion, I think it is trying to tell us our social problem, many of them are been abused or forcing the kids doing something they unwilling, but they keep in silents, and the issue will keep recycling, and also reflect that is truly unsafety in nowadays society. From my point of view of the politicians issue, maybe the lollipop is like money, to bribe lawyer and get him off.

For the third short film, Meter, it talk about many issues... hmm... first they talk about Malaysia football team, he complaining a lot of our own team, but also keep blaming people only knows and supporting others country football team, this makes me see that its same like the K-pop culture and other pop culture nowadays, people now actually know well others country artists more than Malaysians artist. Overall all... I quite like this short film, they sarcastically point out some Malaysia issue such as the party-hop, where got the benefit, people usually will go there. And end up, the taxi driver gave the Chinese guy (Namewee) a keris, this makes me think of the operasi lalang issue, that Najib said “soak it (the keris) with Chinese blood”, maybe they are trying to remind us the operasi lalang case. 

And so.... here's our 3rd film review... please check it out!! (although I'm not inside)

Monday, April 4, 2016

Second Film - 3 Abdul

So fast...Is second film here... Named 3 Abdul and it is P.ramlee film! 
This is the first time watching his film, and this film is easier to understand than the last movie that we watch last week.

While watching this film, I feel like watching a cartoon, because inside the film they included some child educated dialog, and some scene I feel like everything is a trifling matter, although you did anything wrong, they will still forgive you. But overall is quite nice and funny.

Before doing the review, we have done some research about the film and about the director P.Ramlee, I quite pity him, because he died in penniless, having given away the last of his money to a visitor to his house whom he felt needed the money more than him. 

Here's our second film review! check it out!

Sunday, March 27, 2016

The first film we watch...

Hmm...  After Miss Raja takes over Miss Carmen, we have received a new assignment which is film review... It's sound interesting, but after doing it, I realize... it's quite though.

The first we watched is Perempuan isteri and Jalang. I think this is the first Malay film that I watched finish, but that's some parts I've  missed cause I fall asleep. For me, after watching this film... I feel like why we are watching this kind of film..... and is a bit "weird" (I dunno have to use which word), cause why the husband Amir wanted to sell Zaleha, and why after sell Zaleha he want to get her back and treat her like a dog, and why Amir has this powerful right to sell Zaleha as a prostitute.
Actually we can see that, in this film, that generation of Malay girls not everyone wearing tudung, but it's still in a quite feudal age. Besides, I feel that the acting is a bit exaggeration, and the video quality is not that good.

Here's our film review~ Please check it out!

Saturday, February 27, 2016

The BIG durian

The first watching this "docudrama" in the tutorial class, to be honest, I've fallen a sleep~
I have no idea what are they talking about (but at least I know is something about operasi lalang), I just remember the uncle said Adam's brother have been killed by a Sultan and that's all.

But today I rewatch again on youtube, I still not really get it, due to my poor English and malay~
So... I google it what is operasi lalang in chinses which is "茅草行动", and slightly get what are they talking about, what is operasi lalang and what was happening during 1987.

Honestly, I have really no interest and dunno much about politics... But for some reason, I'll still do some research for it.

Back to the topic about Operasi lalang.... hmm... Actually, I really have no comment about it, because all of us haven't born yet and we can't feel the atmosphere of the environment... but we can know that time is one of the darkest period of democracy in Malaysia...  from then till now the Malaysian politics are always on the dark side, always spared the racial riots, cover the truth...

Just now interview my parents, "do you know what is operasi lalang?" my dad said: "oh... 茅草行动 lah...that time Mahathir indiscriminate catching people due to the chaos period..." I ask "you guys still when to work as usual on that period," my mom said: "of course, our boss said we didn't participate in this kind of things... blah blah blah..." and dad said due to the operasi lalang what Mahathir had done, and now is his retribution...

Is an interesting way in watching a "docudrama" to knowing our Malaysia history... and I know why is important to know our history... so we can know that what are those artists try to bring out the message   :D

Monday, February 8, 2016

week 3 class, What's in my mind~

Week 3 lecture class, we have talked about what is Art and introduced to us some Malaysian's artist, and Ms Carmen said in our generations many of us are only know kpop, jpop or others country artists, we are less knowing with our local artists... I admit that I only know a few of Malaysian's Chinese artists that often appear on TV and some famous director like Yasmin Ahmad and Chiu Keng Guan... I agree with it, it is a big problem and bad incident in knowing well others country artists rather than our own country.

But instead of talking our well knowing, why don't talk about the quality of our local artists and the media problem. Our local media such as Astro, they often broadcast others country drama, entertainment news or others country variety shows, and that also my family habit seldom watch the local content channel, therefore, we really have no idea with those Malay artists or others local unfamous artists. To compare the quality of our local artists and other country artists, apparently our local artist are slightly inferior, maybe they have no enough training or other problems. Of course, there are many of them like Fish Leong, Michelle Yeoh, Christopher Lee and etc. they are famous Malaysian artists but all of them are develop in overseas therefore they only have this achievement in nowadays.

It is really important to knowing our local artists in our broadcasting field...but sometimes I really think of why I'm not born in Korea or study overseas there so that I can only knowing their local artists instead of knowing those that I'm not interested with. However, I'll try my best to know some of them and... I'll still continue my k-popper life~~ >.<

But I'm still proud of being a Malaysian~ 

Friday, January 29, 2016

#TanahAirku @ KLCC

Yeah... so finally we have visited the gallery that we wont walk in by ourselves.
As you can see, Utarian has occupied the escalator =.=

For the first question, why the exhibition titled as #tanahairku, because the want to remind Malaysian that Malaysia is still our home, many memories we have left where the place we grown up, and also let the foreigners know this is how Malaysian grew up in 3 ethnics country. I think this is an appropriate title for the exhibition, as the exhibition has shown the kopitiam/mamak store, the classroom, the public phone and road sign board with those annoying stickers, all this things really demonstrated what is Malaysia, and YES! this is my home my country! 

Actually that's many objects that evoke my sense of Nostalgia, such as the congkak, the black & white chess, and the cabinet (inside the kopitiam), but I choose the classroom, I feel it's significant to me. Although the classroom design is quite old, the times table behind the exercise book, crayon, the louver window.... really recall my primary school memories, we have duty every week, doodled the black broad... I really wish there's a time machine can bring back to the past, meet someone I won't meet again, to experience again what am I thinking that time.

Because i'm from Chinese independent school, I've no chance to wear this SMK uniform. Thanks for this exhibition to let me experienced and now I know how I looked like when I wearing this uniform >.<

Thursday, January 21, 2016

The Time Capsule

As a Malaysian, if I have the opportunity to propose contributing 1 item to this time capsule, i will choose a lantern that made by aluminum can, and this lantern was made by my grandma when I was a little girl.

As a 90's, which also a Chinese, we do celebrate lantern festival or a.k.a moon cake festival with friends and neighbors and we'll placing around the candles or bringing our lantern to walk around in our Taman (feel memorable ^_^ ).

The reason I choose the aluminum lantern is because when was a little kid, my grandma often made it and I was sitting beside her to observe that how she made it (Indeed my grandma is a very patient woman). While during the moon cake festival, our Taman have organised a DIY lantern competition, so we used the aluminum lantern in the competition, lastly we won the 1st prize (or 2nd... whatever...), we get a big prize which is a chinese tea set, I was so happy at that moment and this the very first big award in my entire life, it's really unforgettable.
Aluminum can Lantern made by my grandma 

The another reason I choose this is because it is aluminum, it won't get rusty, and it can still remain the shape. After 100 years when I opened it (if I can) it can helps me recall that this is made by my grandma (I proud to be her granddaughter) and this remind me that actually happiness can be very simple.